For Loan/Trade: Games

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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:18 pm

For Loan/Trade: Games

Post by Hilton »

I have done this before with success so tossing it out again. In short, I continue to pickup games with the eventual plan of building my ultimate gameroom to house them all. Reality is that the addition/ new game room is a year or 2 out.

That means I have games going into storage and I would rather they be played then sit on backs while I wait for the addition to get built.

I am offering a loan of game in exchange for you rebuilding/refreshing the game.

How it works?
Ideally you have some skills of working on a machine and attention to detail; ideally we also know each other already or have a well known member that can vouch for you. You borrow a machine and bring it back to life. I pay for all the parts and upgrades. You just provide the time and space to do the refurb. You keep the machine for a predetermined time (6mo, 12mo, till the game room is ready?) which means after you refurb the game you get to keep and enjoy it for a while.

I have an ever growing list of games and no room to house them. If you are interested in this then reach out via PM.

Games are everything from classic ballys (Viking, Barracora, Medusa, Mystic, etc...) to Sys11 (Swords of Fury, Earthshaker, Mousin, plus a few others) to DMDs (Baywatch, No Fear) to oddballs ( D&D, Genisis).

Games range from currently playing but in need of a refresh all the way to fun but challenging projects.
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