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WTB some 31" legs

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:19 pm
by AlexF
So I bought U2Sean's Dancing Dolls last night and I'm pretty excited about it. It needs some legs though. I have 3 rusty 31" legs at home. That's not so bad as this game originally had painted legs anyway. So they could be sanded and painted.

I bought a Majorettes a few week back that came with 28.5" legs and should have 31" as well. At least it's playable but a correct set would make it less of a low rider.

Anyway I could use 1 to 8, 31" legs. Worst case scenario is I can buy new from PBR but prefer to find something cheaper and local if possible.

Re: WTB some 31" legs

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:46 pm
by Fortytwo
I might have some. What condition are the 28.5 legs in?

Re: WTB some 31" legs

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:00 am
by AlexF
I appreciate the response but think I have found a couple sets. I will probably know by this weekend and will get back with you if it doesn't pan out.
The 28.5" are nice. :D