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WTB - Gottlieb 60's score reel unit

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:42 am
by u2sean
I have a Gottlieb Sweethearts that needs a new single score reel (or at least some parts). Coil is dead, and the plunger seized inside so some bonehead broke the small little piece of plastic that the plunger attaches to when trying to carefully remove it. :roll:

I know you can get spring kits, but that's not going to help me out. If anyone has a parts unit from a rat trap unit (coil, plunger and piece it attaches to are all I really need), please let me know. Thanks.

- Sean

Re: WTB - Gottlieb 60's score reel unit

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:02 am
by DirtFlipper
Pinball Resource will have the Nylon ratchet part and the coil. I don't recall if he still has any of that style plunger left though.

Re: WTB - Gottlieb 60's score reel unit

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:03 am
by DirtFlipper
although if the plunger is only stuck inside the current coil, then that can just be tapped out and reused.

Re: WTB - Gottlieb 60's score reel unit

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:16 am
by u2sean
I actually placed an order with PBR last week and got the parts to fix it up. They even included a nice diagram of the score reel assembly and all the part numbers.