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Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:42 am
by Hilton
I have done this twice before and offering it up again to see if any takers.

I like to buy games but only so much time to fully refurb them. This means the cue gets longer, quicker than I can get games finished.
(I know... First world pinball problem...). Much of my free time is also busy keeping route games in working order so that means less time to work on my own titles.

This is an offer for someone in the region that has some amount of skill and desire to learn more on how to wrench on a game and maybe has some extra space. I have a few games that are functioning but in need of a full refurb and shop out.

The way I have done this in the past seems to work well, but always open to other ideas.

I bring you the game. I buy all the parts (flipper rebuilds, LEDs, Rubbers, coil sleeves, etc...) I am happy to pay for some pimping (i.e. colorDMD, maybe powder coating, etc). Basically I pay all the associated costs and you do the work and get to enjoy the game for a while. I am happy to lend a hand or provide advice as you go (ideally you have some skill and basic knowledge of working on pins and are organized when doing a shop out, but a healthy attitude about it and desire to learn is the most important if not real experienced).

You keep the game for 6 months. The assumption is that you will work on the refurb in the first month or so and then keep the game for the full 6 months and be able to play and enjoy the game like it is your own for a while after you are done fixing it up. This has been a nice exchange in the past and enjoyable from all involved the last 2 times.

Games I have in cue that could be worked into a deal:

Special Force
DE Time Machine
Genesis (bought as project and have not gone through at all yet)
Mars God of War (another project and possibly willing to sell outright?)
RoboWar (doea not need much but could use a refresh)

I realize this deal is not for everyone and obviously there will be a good deal of trust needed on both ends, but it has been fun in the past.

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:21 am
by ChrisS
This is a great offer.

Esp for those that like working on machines more than playing them.

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:45 pm
by Hilton
Thanks Chris!

Also a fun opportunity to be able to play/try out a game with no real expense to you.

Easy to tell the wife 'it is just on loan to see if I like it'. Then she gets comfortable with a game being there and you just swap it out with something new after 6 months and hope she never notices.

I can think of all sorts of excuses to bring in more games to my house. unfortunately that is already the dilema I have, lol.

Another potential positive is depending on the game choosen, it may go out on route after you are done with it. This means you will have the advantage for monthly competitions of knowing how to play it really well :)

If anyone wants to discuss then feel free to PM me.

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:16 pm
by chrisnack
Wow, nice!

I could probably swing that :)

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:26 pm
by chaos
Oooh, I really want to do this but:

1. I have only very little experience working on my own one table, so I think I'd need some help.

2. I don't think I can commit to doing it in the next six months.

3. I do not have a wife to lie to.

Maybe count me in for the next round, so I have a chance to take care of these items?

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:31 pm
by Ken
chaos wrote:3. I do not have a wife to lie to.

Maybe count me in for the next round, so I have a chance to take care of these items?

I expect a "Save the date" in the mail soon!

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:59 am
by chaos
Ken, is January 18th too soon? I'd bet you look awesome in a dress--you have the right body type.

Re: Store a game, shop it out, play it for free

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:36 pm
by Hilton
Thanks to those that have pm'd.

Busy w holiday family stuff but will get back to you this weekend when i get back on cpu.