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1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:59 am
by szo
Hello Everyone! I've been a pinball enthusiast all my life, and I own 4 older pinball machines. I've recently run into a couple problems with my Trade Winds (, both from stupidity and inexperience with mechanics. I'm open to any suggestions - thank you in advance!

So... my problem to twofold. Up until recently, my Trade winds has worked perfectly (never needed any attention other than replacement of glass and rubber bands), but a good friend opened his mouth. :cry: As mentioned, a friend was over (also a pinball enthusiast), showed me that you could kill the power on the table by hitting the bottom of it (I'm sure there is a name for this), and it worked, I was unaware of this with practice with the older machines, and was a little concerned considering it was an older table. However, another close pinball friend was over at the house and I showed him this technique (yeah I know - stupid), and unfortunately from that moment on when the machine powers up it just begins and then powers out. So I thought I would look closer into the machine and try to figure out the mechanism that kills the game, because something is obviously stuck or still touching. Well... this leads to the second problem, the game board will not lift up (in the front). Visually, I cannot see any additional lock or catch. It looks like it's completely cleared and should just come up, but it's stuck. I'm not sure how to proceed. I gave it a couple good pulls, but I'm worried if I pull any harder it's going to crack the playfield, I'm hoping it's something else that's locking it in place. I'm open to any suggestions.

Big thanks again!

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:27 am
by u2sean
Welcome to the site!

Not exactly sure what "hitting the bottom of it" means. There should be a power switch in the lower right front of the game that you turn the machine on/off with as opposed to pulling the plug from the wall. Is this what you mean?

Regarding lifting up the playfield, after opening the coin door and removing the lockdown bar make sure the locking mechanism stays disengaged, as sometimes on the older machines there is a latch that will hold the playfield in place. I'm not familiar with this specific machine, but that'd be my guess.

- Sean

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:45 am
by Hilton
Sean, some older games had kill switches installed in the bottom of the cab. This allowed bar staff to quickly and easily shut off all the games in a row by walking down the row and tapping the bottom metal panel. I would guess the switch that does this is stuck closed now?

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:15 am
by FrankJ
I'd bet that you have screws in each side of the playfield holding it down. Williams of that vintage had them.

Then, look at the bottom of the cabinet for the tilt switch that was activating when you kicked the machine. Like you said, chances are you knocked it out of alignment.

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 12:28 pm
by u2sean
Interesting - found some references to a "bang switch" in older Williams machines. Learn something new every day! :) I'd definitely skip hitting the bottom of my game every time I wanted to play it and just install a switch or put it on a switched circuit or whatever you were doing before.

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:06 pm
by szo
Thank you for all the replies. Yes, this particular table does not have a power on/off switch under the table; but a "kill" activator by slapping the bottom of the table; when actives this completely powers off the machine, not just the game being played. The actual tilt control is where it should be. I'm guessing the first issue is figuring out how to raise the play field, but I'm not seeing where these mysterious screws would be, they are juts not visible.

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:50 pm
by FrankJ
Look at the middle playfield picture on On the left side of the playfield, just above and to the left of the special is a hole. That's where one of the screws should be. Same with the right side. On the lower picture, you can see the holes about an inch above the apron on either side. There are also two screws in the upper area of the playfield next to the words "east" and "west".

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 2:08 pm
by szo
Frank, will do! I'll connect back later tonight or tomorrow.


Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:52 am
by AlexF
As Frank mentioned playfields of this era were screwed down through the side rails. A lot of people just remove the screws altogether. Your kick-off switch is likely jammed in the up position or the switch set it closes is bent closed. Look for a little rod sticking up through the play field through a nylon bushing. Sometimes they are obscured from view. On one of my machines it was actually hidden underneath the score motor.

Trade Winds is on my want list if you decide you'd like to turn it loose. :D

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:00 pm
by szo
Once again - thanks for all the information. Unfortunately, I will not have time to move forward on this project until next weekend now... :evil:
Alex, I will keep you in mind if that day ever arrives, but honestly, it's still (and will probably always be) the fav of my 4.

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:26 pm
by szo
Hey Guys, Well I got the machine open! thanks for the help.
Second, I'm not seeing anything resembling this "kill switch."
Where might it be? I attached a photo of the inside for reference.

Big thanks again!

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 4:30 am
by ralphwiggum
Just saw this.... I have had a few Williams from this era..... basically you can tap the bottom to turn the lights off... when you are ready to play again, hit the right (or is it left) flipper button and that turns the lights back on......

Going from memory the switch isn't a switch in mechanical nature but a leaf switch.... I am pretty sure yours is stuck in the up position....

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:30 pm
by szo
Excellent! Thank you so much (I learn something new every day). Trade Winds is back up and running. Thanks to everyone for all the support!

Re: 1962 Williams Trade Winds SOS!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:49 pm
by cad-kid
Yea! :D Glad the issue is fixed. Thanks for posting an update.