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Sweatshirt Lost at Last Ballers League on 5/30

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:38 pm
by ChestRockwell
Hey, this is Paul Okruhlica. Attended Ballers For Dollars league last week Saturday, and as people left rather quickly I did as well and grabbed what I thought was my black hooded sweatshirt. It was not. Mine is black with a pinball playfield covering the entire back of it and has a large tag of a watch in the collar, and the one I grabbed is just a plain black 2XL Russell Athletic. I was the last one out the door other than family staying there, so pretty sure someone just mistakenly grabbed mine by accident. The sweatshirt was a gift and I cannot buy another one, so hopefully word gets out and I can swap back with whoever ASAP. Anyone with info please PM me, post on this thread, or feel free to email me at:
