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League Averages.....

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:14 pm
by ralphwiggum
Note- The league is now incorporating averages into scoring now that some players have played 3 games to get a baseline. In the Milwaukee League, these averages backdate by place (I reorganize the standings for the week when an average is figured in), but in this league, I am keeping them at the bottom for the missed week since we report weekly to IFPA. I think it makes the most sense (even though we are talking about fractions of a point) to have the IFPA get the average for 0 points rather than go back and award based on scoring average (if that makes sense).

Re: League Averages.....

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:02 pm
by Hilton
makes sense to me. All I report to IFPA is weekly (monthly) place since that is what they want.

I did not realize that averages work backwards. I thought they only went forwards in time after each player established and average?

Does this mean that as a players league average adjust when they play in future months that their % avg for absences willl also adjust?

Re: League Averages.....

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:27 pm
by ralphwiggum
Yep, you got it. the longer/later into the league they go before getting an average, the average probably wont fluctuate as much. Really depends on how consistent the player is. The average also includes the average (now we are getting confusing, LOL), so if a player finished week 5 and missed 1 and 3, his score for week 1 would be 80% of the average of weeks 2,4,5 and his score for week 3 would be 60% of the average of 2,4,5 and week 1 (the 80% score).

Re: League Averages.....

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:50 pm
by Hilton
yeah, that is some convoluted stuff. Seems to work really well for incentivizing participation IMHO.

i like it!