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Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:58 pm
by tullster
It wasn't booked, so I reserved the room at the Waun-a-bowl today for a League meeting on Saturday Feb 22nd. The games for the Waun-a-Tourney will be set up, so what do you think?

If someone else wants it at their house that month, no problem, I can easily cancel the reservation.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:28 am
by Hilton
I think that is a GREAT plan Tully.

It is a win/win/win/win in my book.
We get some practice on Wanna games before your big event, we have a host for FEB/it does not really impose on anyone for that month since it is not at a house/it is a great opportunity for the games to get played post setup and we will all be able to lend a hand to get them fine tuned.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:51 am
by u2sean
+1 on what Hilton said. Great location. Thanks, Tully!

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:16 am
by ralphwiggum
I think this would be a really cool thing for sure....

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:24 am
by DeaconBlooze
The only issue I see is that the MKE league is planned for that day. Although, that only affects a few of us. It's a great idea, and would definitely help to keep that busy time of the year clean!

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:30 am
by ralphwiggum
DeaconBlooze wrote:The only issue I see is that the MKE league is planned for that day. Although, that only affects a few of us. It's a great idea, and would definitely help to keep that busy time of the year clean!
Good catch, I didn't even see that.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:33 am
by Hilton
I understand the desire to play in multiple leagues but it seems that the conflict between MSN and MKE league dates is going to be a common theme.

To me it seems that the most important/limiting factor is to get hosts that are willing to commit to a date for each month. Other factors are secondary... Just seems silly to possibly forego a unique line up of pins that are really only availabel for a single weekend for league play.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:40 pm
by ralphwiggum
Hilton wrote:I understand the desire to play in multiple leagues but it seems that the conflict between MSN and MKE league dates is going to be a common theme.

To me it seems that the most important/limiting factor is to get hosts that are willing to commit to a date for each month. Other factors are secondary... Just seems silly to possibly forego a unique line up of pins that are really only availabel for a single weekend for league play.

I respectfully disagree. I think there are plenty of open slots throughout the year for many leagues (not just two) and other events. Publishing all of these calendars for everyone to see and plan around is the key. Jon P. does a nice job posting events on many websites, and the Milwaukee League published its entire schedule many months ago.

I think we are doing a disservice to all of the local pinball scene by scheduling conflicts when they can easily be avoided. I see February as an opportunity to host both leagues that night (havent talked to the Milwaukee league yet, and havent talked to Tully) at Waunabowl. It could really be a fun and special night. Same thing with MGC (Possibly), it would be pretty tough to do league at an event where there are a ton of people (even at night).

There definitely needs to be less "this or that" and more "this and that".

Both leagues will have zero challenges finding hosts. The Madison league may actually have a bigger challenge not having everyone host, as the collector to player ratio is higher.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:09 pm
by Hilton
ralphwiggum wrote: There definitely needs to be less "this or that" and more "this and that".
Agreed on the 'this and that'.

However, IMHO people's schedules are already busy and the more constraints we put on the ability of someone in the league to host then the harder it can/will be (there are conflicts with the Dec 28th date between MSN/MKE that I can host and I did not hear anyone else wanting to take Dec on a different date). I think anyone willing to host should be able to pick any date and time that works for them personally. All of the players will then have to personally decide if that works for them or not. I prefer Friday nights or Saturday mid-day for league, but I am just one guy. Some people work certain nights and can't make all nights. Some people want weekends after 7pm.

At the same time, these are limited leagues (20ish each) where we are talking about a majority of individuals possibly compromising their hosting and availablity to fit the few which have elected to play in multiple leagues. Only four weekends in most months means 25% of the saturdays are already blocked by MKE dates.

The MKE consensus seems to be that MSN should fit all their dates around the MKE ones because they were picked in advance???

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 1:40 pm
by DeaconBlooze
That's a great idea, Tim! I think most people from the MKE league are typically in attendance for Waun-a-bowl.
Hilton wrote:The MKE consensus seems to be that MSN should fit all their dates around the MKE ones because they were picked in advance???
I don't know if that's the consensus, but I think it would be best to avoid the MKE dates since they are already planned throughout the entire year (when possible). Similarly, I think it's best to work around other pinball events (Expo, MGC, Pinburgh). Some of those events give us the opportunity to hold our league there, which works out great.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by Hilton
I do agree that I love the idea of combined MKE and MSN league nights (if possible) at Wanna and MGC.

Maybe we shoudl get a list of MSN available host and months started since we are now a few months scheduled out?
Then we can see whom is available to host what dates and THEN solidify things in. This would probably help to avoid the already planned MKE dates and other big pinball events?

It will also give us a better line of sight to any months where the date conflict can't be over come.

just a thought

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:25 pm
by ralphwiggum
Hilton wrote:I do agree that I love the idea of combined MKE and MSN league nights (if possible) at Wanna and MGC.

Maybe we shoudl get a list of MSN available host and months started since we are now a few months scheduled out?
Then we can see whom is available to host what dates and THEN solidify things in. This would probably help to avoid the already planned MKE dates and other big pinball events?

It will also give us a better line of sight to any months where the date conflict can't be over come.

just a thought
I will start a new thread, to get a little more clarity to the group. There are quite a few people that told me they could host (including December- but hosting in December seems pretty important to you, and that is cool with me), that talk to me via email or phone that don't post on this site. I will get them to commit on this site so everyone can be part of the larger discussion.

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:12 pm
by Hilton
As I said before, I am happy to give up hosting december if it works out better for everyone else to have another person host so more people can attend and no conflicts with MKE date.

I would like to host a month (any month, no need for a specific month) and that is really the only month in the foreseeable future that worked for me due to wifes rotation schedule.

if ANYONE wants DEC, please take it!

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:52 pm
by Ken
ralphwiggum wrote:There definitely needs to be less "this or that" and more "this and that".
All ya need is love! Combined league night is an AWESOME idea!

Re: Feb 22nd League?

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:11 pm
by tullster
I like the idea of inviting the MKE guys to the Waun-a-bowl for a southern Wisconsin Pinball Battle Royale!! I'm planning on setting up 7 games for sure on Friday. We could pool the host money to buy pitchers, pizza & for coins in the games. Take the top 4 players from each League and have a winner take all playoff?

And we could do the same sort of thing at the MGC. Maybe during the after-party or on Sunday?

And as far as the schedule goes, I'm fine with whatever gets decided. If I've gotta work, I've gotta work. But I will be at every gathering that I'm able.