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Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:25 am
by chrisnack
Can't decide between those 2 machines...

Lets have it!

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:52 am
by Hilton
Alien has much more lasting power in a home environment and smaller collection. Granted it is a challenging game so I think that has to play into your likes.

AFM is a classic but not very deep. Once you rule the universe, get strobe, and beat the game then you have seen it all.

I would wait for things to mature a bit more with Aliens code and see if you like it. Keep in mind the one we have on route is a pre-production machine currently so has a few quirks which are not reflective of the full produciton game.

I would also wait a bit on AFMr, assuming you are thinking about the remake. They are being made by a new manufacturer and of course will have some expected issues.

Benefit being that you cna play both games on route locally for a couple of bucks get a solid session in. This means no real downside to waiting it out. If you ever want to meet up and play either game to learn the pros/cons and rulesets, I would be happy to meet up and play.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:57 am
by ralphwiggum
Alien, only because you have MMR. very similar feel to both. Personally I would pass (those themes do nothing for me), and see how Houdini shakes out. I was really surprised how great Houdini looked (just from pics, not seeing it in person).

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:05 am
by chrisnack
I plan on heading over to Alt tomorrow night to play Alien.

Where is AFM?

That was my concern in AFM as it looks similar to MM in terms of layout.

I'm a huge fan of the movies so Alien has some appeal there.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:08 am
by chrisnack
Is AFMr not being made by the same as MMr? I thought it was PPs and Chicago again.

My MMr has been great. With color upgrade and 3D translite to boot :D

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:30 am
by NoahK
chrisnack wrote:Where is AFM?
AFM is at Pooley's.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:34 am
by chrisnack
I see that.. guess i have to go play AFM tonight and Aliens tomorrow :)

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:49 am
by Hilton
chrisnack wrote:Is AFMr not being made by the same as MMr? I thought it was PPs and Chicago again.

My MMr has been great. With color upgrade and 3D translite to boot :D

MMr was CGC/PPS contracted to Stern.

AFMr is all CGC. They have built lots of cabinents but their last game was Vacation America for reference. Could be no problem, could be stuff to work out. That is why I would take a wait and see approach on both games. No realy hurry aside from putitng down a refundable deposit I guess ot hold your spot in line.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:51 am
by chrisnack
Gotcha, didn't know that.

When i called GameRoomGuys, they were saying 6 week lead time, not sure how true that is :)

Highway told me if i ordered this week end of April for a standard Aliens, and LE's were June/July. Not sure how accurate that is, but that's what they told me. I just know people on the forums have been pre-ordered for 1-2 years. I'm not that patient :)

I'm going to have a hole in my line-up that needs to be filled :)

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:55 am
by Methos
I would stay away from the "game room guys". If this is the same distro I'm thinking of, have heard a little negative feedback from them.

I have decided to get one new game for 2017/2018 - and right now I'm leaning towards either Alice Cooper or Houdini. However, either game will need to win me over as both have significant challenges facing them.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:59 am
by chrisnack
I purchased my MMr from GameRoomGuys and they were fantastic to work with. My game arrived less than 24 hours after I paid for it.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:07 am
by Chris K
I think no matter what you do, it's time to wait. Alien, AFMr, Houdini, Alice Cooper, Elvira... there's a lot of potentially great tables coming this year. And that's just the stuff that's announced. I'd build up the piggy bank and wait to see how the unreleased stuff shakes out.

As an aside, I don't get the "not deep" thing. If I knock down all the drops on Gold Strike, did I "win the game"? Did I "rescue the princess", if you will, and should I never play Mario again? Since when is pinball a mountain to climb once?

By that yardstick, I got Scared Stiff on Saturday night. Do I sell the table now? (Yeah yeah, spider mode...)

Pinball is repetitive. Pick a game you like to play and buy it. If you get bored just because you made all the shots, you're going to go through pinball tables like water. And if you feel you've "beat" the table because you made the wizard mode I just saw a performance on Addams Family last night that will make you reconsider mastery being determined by hitting a few shots.

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:10 am
by chrisnack
haha, yeah. For me i just need to be entertained by the game. MM does a great job of that even though i suck. Stargate was fun, but brutal sometimes.

Sinbad is just a great game, so that one will stay in my line-up forever. Plus i spent a ton on a refinished PF for it (which looks gorgeous).

I kept Stargate for a year, that's pretty good :)

Thinking maybe I grab Tim's GB and then put a deposit on Aliens... when that shows up in like 4-5 months (my guess) go from there...

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:29 pm
by Chris K
Playing with a GB until you buy an Alien (or whatever is most awesome this winter) is a heck of a plan. My prediction? You'll have $2000 in your pocket and a Ghostbusters. $2000 buys a lot of plays on the Alien on route. :)

Re: Alien or Attack from Mars

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:43 pm
by Fortytwo
I got to play the alian at ALT Saturday evening. One thing i noticed was being a new game already had a broke plastic. On the left above the outlane there is a thin plastic separating the saucer alley from the orbit. the tip is broke. So if you get one have a few small washers around to protect things like that.