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Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:34 pm
by Hilton
Ken wrote:We should have a special guest from Pittsburgh showing up. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Is the guest a female???

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:41 pm
by Ken
Hilton wrote:
Ken wrote:We should have a special guest from Pittsburgh showing up. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Is the guest a female???
She is! She is excited to be back in Madison. Hoping for a nice big crowd again tomorrow. Was a lot of fun meeting all the new people last time.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 8:05 pm
by Hilton
By the sounds of it we should have a good turn out this month?

I have been told there will be a few more first timers this month which is GREAT!

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:26 am
by Hilton
additional note: depending on total number in attendance on any given month, qualifying round may be limited to top X (16?) number. We may also turn off EBs on TAF and Stpro to help keep ball times slightly shorter?

I would like to keep total time down to 3-3.5 hours in total since this a weekday thing. I have been told to expect our biggest crowd yet (a good thing) which means we may need to make some changes on the fly to overall format.

Everyone will always get to play in qualifying, but playoffs may get cut back on any given night based on total attendance. Thanks for your understanding.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 6:59 am
by Hilton
Thanks to all those that came out last night!

Amazed that we had 30 people in attendance and happy to see that the few small tweaks helped to keep things running smoothly. Sorry about Funhouse issue (don't worry Mark, nothing big) for those impacted but glad we got it back up and running pretty quick.

thanks again for coming out and being a fun crew.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:17 pm
by CftBL
I liked the change of playing the machines in order. I think it went much smoother than having any group jump in on an available machine. You're doing a great job on running things!


Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:36 pm
by Methos
What happened with FH? I was going to stop by over the weekend and change some bulbs to LEDs anyway. If something needs to be fixed, let me know.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:12 am
by u2sean
Methos wrote:What happened with FH?
Right flipper went down. After dorking around for a few minutes, CftBL suggested checking the EOS. Indeed that was it! Even though it was new, it had accumulated enough dust on it to prevent it's NC state. Quick wipe and all was well, but could probably use a little cleaning still.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:59 am
by Hilton
u2sean wrote:
Methos wrote:What happened with FH?
Right flipper went down. After dorking around for a few minutes, CftBL suggested checking the EOS. Indeed that was it! Even though it was new, it had accumulated enough dust on it to prevent it's NC state. Quick wipe and all was well, but could probably use a little cleaning still.

I found my burnisher at the end of the night and went back under the hood just to give it a little more love. I reset the EOS gaps because that may have been the issue?

If you are gonna be over, then worth taking a look at. I adjusted all 3 flipper and reset bushing gaps a few days before so I likely screwed up the EOS at that time.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:14 am
by tullster
Bummed I couldn't make it Wednesday. I tried, but couldn't get over to that side of the county! Great to hear you're having a good turnout.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:12 pm
by Hilton
June results submitted to IFPA

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:27 pm
by Methos
Thanks for adjusting FH. All three flippers were rebuilt from new parts - so the EOS would be the probably reason for any flipper malfunction. The upper left flipper isn't 100% to where I would like it, the coil stop for some reason is preventing the plunger to get all of it on a stroke. It works, but not like it should...believe I pointed this out to Hilton - if it ever becomes a major problem, let me know and I'll stop by and rebuild it again.

Hopefully one of these Weds i can make it up there.


Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:57 pm
by Hilton
I adjusted all 3 flips last week. The upper one did seem a little wonky and not sure why. I took it completely apart and put back together and regapped at the bushing/pf and also regapped the EOS. Seemed to have a little more snap and could make the loop a little smoother. We could always do the newer spring style change at some point, but seems to be fine so probably better to leave it as is.

I have a love hate relationship with Rudy. He kicks my butt most of the time but every once in a while I really get ahold of it and toss up 15-20 mil

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:50 pm
by Methos
You have to be carefull with that upper flipper, because if it has too much power, it will bounce out of that loop. The coil that was in the game was the wrong one when I bought it, I found that out by looking it up on the manual.

Yes, Rudy is tight with points, but once you beat him up a bit, he dishes them out like manna from heaven.

Re: New Location in Madison! need your feedback pls

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:02 pm
by Hilton
GeneO and I are heading over around 6pm for a few beers and a few games if anyone is interested in joining us...