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Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:40 am
by Hilton
DeaconBlooze wrote:TBL is supposed to be ready Q3 2015 (for people around my position). They did hint that they were ahead of schedule..

That is great! That game looks physically amazing and well polished! The attention to detail is really great! Coding had a ways to go but that can happen quick with the right team.

It is P-Roc also, correct? If so, that likely means code will happen very quickly because there seems to be a great support network around it.

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:56 am
by noncommittaldave
Hilton wrote:
Tom > TWD
Hilton and Chris > Predator and WOOLY
BeardBro1 > TBL
Chris > THSE?
DaveM > are you getting something new?

PaulyB is getting a TBL too? :lol:

I think ChrisS is getting a TWDLE from what i hear. Maybe 2 of them. :shock:

I am waiting for Pat Lawlor's game but i'm not pinning (oh gawd that was bad) all my hopes on it.

If anyone is looking to make some room for the NIB, I have a slot open right now. :lol:

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:38 am
by Ken
Knew I should have stayed away from this thread. Sounds like it was a blast and I'm sorry to have missed it. Can't believe there is going to be a TBL so close to me! Congrats Dave!

Even though I missed a great party, I did attend a pretty good one too!
View from the hotel room wasn't bad either! ;)
Can't do that party every year though, so hopefully I can make Expo with you guys next year!

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:31 am
by Hilton
ok, I will bite.

Where/ what was that party and more pics please :twisted:

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:57 am
by Ken
The event is called The Theater Bizarre. An annual Halloween party put on by artists and performers. My buddy has been bugging me to go for years. It uses 8 floors of the Masonic Temple in Detroit. Some of the rooms were the Fistorium (yup), Odditorium, Peepshow, Dance Hall, Ballroom, and Asylum.

Most of the pictures came out like complete crap. Not supposed to use flash, and with all the smoke machines and weird lighting my cheap camera didn't do so well. I did however upload some at so that my buddy could grab what he wanted.

Back on topic: Did anyone win money in BangerJay's money machine? :lol:

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:44 pm
by Methos
I am thinking of Alien when it comes out. I took a hard look at FT, and there are a few things that concern me quite honestly. On the plus side they have a production facility, the game played great, and the price point is tolerable. There are some design/build issues that I'm not sure I can get past.....

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:09 pm
by tullster
Ken... Looks like an interesting time... :)

Took Devin to his second Expo on Saturday and had a blast. Got there about 11am and left at 9:30. He was asleep before we hit the freeway!

Great selection of games this year! Didn't get to play WOOLY or TBL, but got some games in to AMH & TWD. Devin really liked TWD, TMNT and the head-to head games Joust & Flipper Football. I liked the great variety of EM's and spent some time with Mark checking them out. Enjoyed playing Mustang LE, but by Saturday night, the turntable was slipping and didn't rotate very well. I could go on & on, but there were some great games I haven't played for a long time... If ever!

It was a big improvement of past years as far as game selection goes, and It's always fun to catch up with people I only see a few times a year.

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:13 am
by ChrisS
I've been to the Temple in Detroit. That place is amazing. We were doing a show and cruised around that place all day. Actually I nabbed a roller derby poster off the wall of the place.

Ken your welcome to bring any of those ladies to the house anytime. :D


Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:51 am
by epthegeek
Ken: RE - Money Machine
Jay didn't finish the cash grab booth early enough to fully de-bug the airflow, so the cash would bunch up in places. They punted and used packing peanuts instead, which was interesting.

EDIT: According to info from Andrew Barney, this bit below is no longer accurate. It was based on what he said while we were at expo.

A word of warning for anybody hoping next year is going to be as good as this year ... Mike had more space this year for the 30th anniversary. Next year, it goes back to the regular amount of space. Seminars go back to their old room, freeplay goes back to the far end of the vendor hall on the other side of the folding wall. Vendor hall shrinks back down because of freeplay, etc. It's back to what it was in 2013.

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:01 am
by noncommittaldave
thanks for the info, eric. I will do a day/evening thing next year based on your warning. :lol:

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:31 am
by Hilton
noncommittaldave wrote:thanks for the info, eric. I will do a day/evening thing next year based on your warning. :lol:

I would suggest Thursday at 6pm and spend time in vendor hall till it closes. Then spend time in free play till you are sick of playing.
If you can hang on Friday then plan on doing Pinball Life which is GREAT! If you need a little more then head back to expo form 6-?

That was more than enough for me this year

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:33 am
by epthegeek
Looks like I have to do a bit of a retraction -- just saw a post from Andrew on pinside that says next year will be setup the same as this year. Which contradicts what he told me while we were still at the show. So I guess it's not losing the space after all.

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:44 am
by noncommittaldave
retraction duly noted. :mrgreen:

Re: How was Expo?

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:02 pm
by Ken
So I'm eating lunch watching the PAPA coverage of Expo and who do I see at 20:00? Conrad bellying up to Ironman! No gameplay but good to see him.

EDIT: Dave Pizon at 21:20 playing ST.