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Re: BOP cabinet decals

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:43 am
by pthermes
Check out "Marko Data East" on Facebook. He was the only person I could find that would sell just the coin-door decal to fix up a machine that previously had a lock-down bar. He is in Eastern Europe (don't remember exactly where). The first one didn't line-up exactly with the start button, so he sent me a re-print, no charge. He makes a chrome T2 decal set that I think looks awesome.

Re: BOP cabinet decals

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:37 pm
by lg40
I will look into it. Thanks.

Re: BOP cabinet decals

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:00 pm
by Timerider
Timerider wrote:
Caution.... I ordered a set of DE Star Trek 25th, from them and still waiting 23 days. (shipment seems stuck in Slovenia... where I believe Pete is farming the work out to the guy in Croatia who I've seem post cabinet decals on eBay).
Just a follow-up... my shipment from overseas did finally arrive. About 6 weeks from order to receipt.
The cardboard tube they used, was a bit thin-walled, and got slightly crunched. But only really a minor crease on one edge of one side piece.

I have noticed the material is seperating a bit from the backing material... I'm guessing due to being rolled up so tight for so long, and the extreme temperatures and altitudes of flight, maybe causing air-bubbles??? Pete said they should smooth out fine, and I don't see any reason to doubt.
But it might prompt me to do the cabinet sooner, rather than waiting. (fear of the adhesive un the bubbled areas going bad??)

But... they look great. (picture doesn't do justice... they're nice & vibrant and crisp). I was going to say the cut size was slightly off... but not really. I just looked at my Tron Pro (3rd run), and those Stern decals have 1/16" to 1/8" gaps around the edges in places too. And I never noticed. So these are fine for my ST25.
