Mad Rollin > 2016... over $3600 raised for Sara!

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Re: Mad Rollin > 2016... Starting a game list > post up pls

Post by MikeS »

I had a blast at MRP 2016 and wanted to thank everyone that had a part in making it a success. Hilton foremost for organizing and running the show! I thought everything ran extremely well. Also wanted to thank Dave B for donating a game and Maya for doing such awesome work on the trophies! Out of the trophies I've won over the years' her trophies are hands' down my favorite! Very cool and original. Also wanted to thank all the other game bringers and the people that donated items to the raffle. I was also happy to donate to the Jimmy L. pinball "gofundme" on the Raven :D Jimmy, you are seriously the luckiest guy I know! -and also one of the nicest and most generous so I'm sure it's just good karma. I was hoping to stick around a bit later on Sat. and say goodbyes and thank you's but I had a 2 year old at home that wasn't happy that I was at a pinball tourney without him and wanted to see me before going to bed so I had to head out early. Thanks again to everyone and I look forward to hearing how much was raised for charity this year for Dave B's family friend!
Current Collection: Rick and Morty, JPPrem, TWDLE, SW Pro, Stranger Things Pro, Godzilla Pro, Pulp Fiction, GNRLE, Doctor Who, Eight Ball, Harlem, Stars, Shadow.
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Re: Mad Rollin > 2016... Starting a game list > post up pls

Post by Hilton »

Thanks so much everyone!

I have to be honest that going in, I thought this was going to be the last MRP (just due to the time and stress of organizing something like this), but the event went so well (I personally think it was the best one ever!) and so many people really stepped up to make it a huge success that it will go on.

HUGE thanks to everyone involved. All those that bring games, donate games, make trophies, help out, organize, get sponsor prizes, the whole deal!!! This is seriously WHY I pinball!!!! Thansk to all of you.

Total raised is right around $3600 again. Final tally yet to be done and waiting on a few things like the donation from AltBrew after the owners get home from vacation.

On that note, we still have some M, L, and XL shirts available if you want one before I donate teh remainder to the local shelter. $20 Just let me know and I will get it to you.

Also lots of pints (I screwed up and ordered too many; I thought they would be more popular) $5 or 6 for $25

BIG thanks again to all!!!
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Re: Mad Rollin > 2016... Starting a game list > post up pls

Post by DeaconBlooze »

Thanks to Hilton for putting on another great tournament, and donating a machine to the cause! Also thanks to Mia for the trophies, and everyone else that brought games or came out to play!

I had a great time, I think I was the leader in donations via beer..

Sara and her mom made the drive down from Green Bay to check out the scene. They were both really impressed that so many people went through all the trouble of bringing out machines for the tournament. They got a few plays in on on some of the side machines, but left pretty soon since Sara wasn't feeling well.

Thanks again to everyone, it's nice to know us a group of pinball collectors can come together and offer some relief to a family or cause that needs it!
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Wh20 :: PinBot :: Flash :: Firepower :: BSD :: SW Pro :: Pokerino :: TnA :: Bank Shot :: Stars :: Sky Jump :: Laser Cue
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Re: Mad Rollin > 2016... Starting a game list > post up pls

Post by Hilton »

total raised for Sara was $3668. There will likely be a little more as I sell some of the remaining shirts/pints and still waiting on AltBrew to return from vacation to find out the amount donated from beer sales.

BIG THANKS to everyone that helped out and made this another great event. Being able to do this for a family in need is one of the highlights of my entire year!
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Re: Mad Rollin > 2016... over $3600 raised for Sara!

Post by Methos »

Can't say enough to all who organize and help with this event. I saw Sara when she was able to visit for a bit, and it's something beyond words to be able to offer some assistance in some small way.

Hilton - we all know you and Heidi bust your ass for this thing and it's much appreciated. I was doubting if Alt-Brew would work due to size and food/beer etc, but I think it makes an even better location than Pooleys does.
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