Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

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Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

Post by JohnH »

Anyone have any experience with early Bally SS mylar removal? I have a Skateball I'm considering doing and am wondering if there is anything I should watch out for, or if there are any methods that work better than others.


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Re: Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

Post by marl3y »

For my BH and HH I used the freeze spray method and Goo Gone. IT was no problem. I find the key to be applying the slightest pressure to the Mylar at the edge of adhesion just at the right time during the freezing step. You kind of let the liquid sit on top until it frosts. When you do that the Mylar seems to jump off the adhesive. Even as I read what I've written I've made it sound more complex than it is. I've taken off tons of the stuff without any issues. Good luck.

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Re: Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

Post by ralphwiggum »

I've done mata hari and playboy with heat without any issue.

Is yours bubbling or just cloudy? If cloudy, I can walk you through getting it real glossy again...

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Re: Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

Post by JohnH »

Thanks Tim. Yeah, getting back into it after a while away.

There's a little bubbling...mostly around the inserts. Not sure if it's worth the hassle of removing it or not...just weighing the options.
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Re: Early Bally SS Mylar Removal

Post by BigDaddyBanjo »

I have learned the hard way to only remove the Mylar if I am willing to commit to a restore project. Sometimes it works great, but usually at least some paint is coming up. No matter what, you need to strip the play field and do a clear coat of one type or another. That is more work than I want to put into most games, especially if it isn't a long term "keeper".

With bubbling, carefully use a heat gun to remelt the glue and press the Mylar down again and it often will smooth out well enough to allow for good ball roll. If you need to you can poke a pinhole, but that isn't usually needed. You can also "surgically remove" Mylar that has dirt under the edge etc. and then clean and replace with a Mylar patch. It doesn't look perfect, but it allows for good game play and is much less work than removing Mylar altogether. Doing things that way leaves options open for the next person if they are more ambitious and want to do a full restore.
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