My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

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My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

Post by Hoopjohn »

Ted loading the Gold Wings on his Escape
Ted loading the Gold Wings on his Escape
Mary Kay & I left Eagle River around 9am, destined for the MGC. The previous day, we had loaded up a Data East Star Wars to take to the MGC. My mode of transportation/pin hauler is a Toyota pickup/8' box/topper. With some forethought, one can haul 2 pins. I like the fact that its waterproof.
Snow had fallen during the night, and there was about 4-5" of snow on the ground. Roads were good, and all traces of snow disappeared by the time I hit New London.

Our first stop would be at Cowmans in Clintonville. Someone from the Chicago area had purchased a Black Knight from Cowman, and I would be picking it up and transporting it to Brookfield. Arrived at Cowmans place. Then removed my DESW, as my first stop in Brookfield would be at the MGC. Placed the DESW on a 4 wheeler, so the Black Knight could go in the nose of the truck. Getting the Black Knight from its location inside to my truck outside took some fanagaling, but we got it. Cowman knows I have a BOP at home, and made repeated attempts to pry it from me. A most likeable person. Scotty from Schofield has dibs on by BOP, when/if I part with it.
I actually checked into the motel as our first stop in Brookfield. Stayed a couple miles away from the Sheraton. I had to transport the backglass of the Black Knight on the floor of the truck box and I wanted to put it in the motel room for safekeeping.
Then it was over to the MGC, where the DESW was brought into the MGC. Bumped into Eric S and Tully, who I would run into repeatedly through the weekend.

Ran into a couple we know in the main hall. We had dinner with them and one of there friends at Fuddruckers. While waiting for our food, I viewed my facebook page on my cellphone and saw a recent post pertaining to the MGC, and told others about it. Turns out the guy at the table just made the post. I then introduced myself. The guy said I know you! Turns out he had a Starship Troops for sale for $2600 the previous summer, and I inquired about it, before passing on it as I stated it was overpriced given its condition. It still didn't ring a bell to me who this guy was, but he still had the email......which he showed me. A little bit of an awkward moment, but it passed quickly. It strikes me that the pinball community is indeed a very small one.

After dinner, it was over to Ep the Geeks place, as he & his wife graciously opened there house to those attending the MGC, that had some free time to play. A wonderful pin collection in a beautiful house. My first time ever playing Cactus Canyon. Thanks again you two.

Saturday didn't start out well. The motel we stayed at, Extended Stay America, had no hot water Saturday morning. So it was a "sponge bath" and shampoo the hair in the sink. Got to the MGC and waited for the 10 AM opening. There was a tentative buyer for my Star Wars, who I was to meet up with shortly after 10. We met, and he/his ol lady both played the game. He paid me for the game.
Mary Kay & I then commenced to play games, meet up with an occasional person we know, converse for a bit, and on to more game play.
I told the guy that purchased my Star Wars I would help him load the pin at the time of his choosing. Around 1:30, he contacted me and me took the machine from the floor. In the meantime however, he had purchased a Gold Wings. Now we're in the loading zone by the side door, loading the Gold Wings into his Escape. Then we try to load the Star Wars. And right about this time, the guy shows up who I picked up the Black Knight for. So now we have plenty of muscle for loading/unloading machines. Our efforts all go towards loading the Gold Wings and Star Wars in the Escape. Like trying to fit 10# of shit in a 5# bag. Try as we could, both pins won't fit, even with the head removed from the Gold Wings. So we load the Star Wars. He tells me the Gold Wings will ride home (south of Chicago) on the roof of his Escape. He is however, a bit concerned about leaving it on the vehicle overnight. So, I tell him that we can play a game of "musical pinballs" and I will load the Gold Wings into my truck (with topper) after I unload the Black Knight. It works. The Black Knight comes out of my truck and into the buyers vehicle. The Gold Wings goes into the back of my truck. Then, the owner of the Black Knight follows me over to the motel to get the backglass. He picks it up and I wish him well. Was going to take a shower at the motel, but hot water still not functioning.

Now its time to relax a bit. A dinner at Outback Steak House, just down the road worked wonders. Nothing like a thick juicy steak.

Back to the MGC. Wander around a bit. Play a few more games. Run into Ed, from Stevens Point. He is there with one of his co-workers and staying at the Sheraton. After shutdown of the main floor at 8pm, we go up to there room to shoot the breeze/etc. Ed is a fellow ball bowler owner and a fellow Harley owner. No shortage of conversation.

Then its back to the main floor for the party. This is the fun time. I continue to meet more pinside people. If I were younger, I likely would have stayed until the wee hours of the morning.

Sunday morning arrives. Fortunately, the motel now has hot water. And the shower feels terrific.

Go to the MGC for a couple final hours of game play. Around 1130, get together with Ted to remove the Gold Wings from my truck, and load it on top of his Escape. We did this in the MGC parking lot. And of course, several pinheads walking by express varying degrees of amazement. Noon, and we're on our way home.

What a fabulous weekend! Mucho thanks to Tully, Eric S, Eric P, Ed, and a huge host of others. Ken, it was a joy to put a name to the face.
I played so many really good pins, its hard to list all of them. The Cactus Canyon, Star Trek Premium and of course AC/DC premium were the ones I liked the most, based on my game play & theme preferences. The BOP 2.0 I had mixed feelings on. Certainly an upgrade to BOP. But at $1950 for the total package, its doubtful I would buy. And the music is way way beyond annoying. The Big Lebowski was certainly fun to play. But that partially working flipper on the upper playfield took away any enthusiasm one might have for this machine. And of course, my chances of ever buying a $9000 - $9500 pin are about as likely to happen as peace in the Middle East. The Whoa Nellie, Big Juicy Melons was a pleasant surprise. I spoke with the developer/artist. I had always thought this was an EM machine. Wrong. All solid state except for the mechanical score reels. Yes, it has the smaller flippers of EM games, but modern internals. Doubt this will be a big seller, but it is indeed a new original theme. Game play is totally different than the current Stern offerings, but this one certainly could be a sleeper. I think they are planning on a low production run?. The sales guy made a pass at me. Told me it should do well on route. HUH? I am squarely in the camp of those that believe the future of pinball lies in the home ownership market. I live in a rural area and am witnessing route pinball going towards extinction. Rapidly. Route pinball may indeed survive in metro areas, but its already on life support (and failing) in the boonies.

Already am planning for next year. Will definitely bring a pin. Not sure I will take a pin to sell, but if I do, I'm going to insist that the pin stay in the free play area, fully available for free play, throughout the day for at least Saturday. I'm learning

Current collection. Police Force, Terminator 2, Bride of Pinbot, Metallica Pro, United "Bowling Alley" ball bowler, United "Coronado" Ball Bowler
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Re: My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

Post by Hilton »

It was good seeing you and the wife a few times over the weekend.

Your buyer could have saved himself a bunch of trouble if he had just left the game on the floor till sunday :)

Next time tell them they can take the game off the floor early but you get to punch them in the nuts for being a selfish prick(considering they stayed till Sunday)
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Re: My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

Post by RustyLizard »

Good write up John. I kept hoping to find out that I was there but I guess I must not have been. Next Year for sure!
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Re: My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

Post by Ken »

Nice story John. It was a pleasure to meet you and the Mrs.
Hope you guys can make some our smaller events so I don't have to wait another year to see you!
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Re: My Weekend at the MGC (long read)

Post by cad-kid »

Thanks for the great write up on your MGC experience. I really must go one of these years :| .....
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