Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

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Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by Hilton »

Howdy all,
They just announced the C division games for PAPA 17 and was wondering if I can come get some practice on local games? Here is the list below.

I would particularly like to find some time on Future Spa, BDK, Corevette, WOF, and f14 as most I have never played or only in small amounts. I also would love to hear your best scoring strategies on ANY of the below list if you know the game well. It would be a big help to the 4 of us (maybe more, but I know we have 4 atleast in the region that are going) attending PAPA this year. Thanks in advance!

Division C:
Johnny Mnemonic
Pirates of the Caribbean
Future Spa
Batman Dark Knight
Addams Family
Wheel of Fortune
Attack from Mars
f14 tomcat
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by chaos »

I totally agree with Hilton. I've never even touched Future Spa before, and I think my only experience with Wheel of Fortune has been at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. If anyone has any of these (or knows where we can find some), that would be awesome.

Looks like there's a Pirates of the Carribbean at a pizza joint in Verona. Nothing else close besides the Addams Family at Pooley's.
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by BigDaddyBanjo »

Sorry our F14 is out of commission right now, or you would be welcome to come play it. Secret to that game is hit the right vuk, rinse and repeat. Each hit spots a letter, so it is a safe way to build to multiball.

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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by Hilton »

thanks for the tip.

I need to start watching youtube vids it seems. Unfortunately that never helps me learn the shots which is what I typically struggle with the most.
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by lg40 »

I got a JM at home thats works great. Your welcome to play it, if you need to.
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by noncommittaldave »

Jackbot vid: ... 2-jackbot/

I don't know if there's a general con census on how to play that game but I have some pointers if you want to stop by and play, hilton. When is papa?

I will have an iron man party soon. No idea about its arrival date, however.
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by MikeS »

You're welcome to practice on my JM. Tournament strategy is usually to max out your bonus multipliers and rape the spinner shot.

I should also have DW back together and playing by next week!
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by Hilton »

THANKS guys!

I will contact you all off line to hit you up soon. for more info Dave. PAPA 17 is Aug 14-17th weekend. It is an amazing venue in Pittsburg with like 300-400 games. Only 50ish are used for tournament play that weekend and the rest are all on toekn play for the duration. The facility is only open a few times a year and the games typically play nearly perfectly.

Mike S, Tim E, and I went last year and had a great time. We spent most of our time just playing the practice games and having fun. We tried at C division but did not make playoffs. Tim and I are going back this year and have improved a bit over last year. Tim has a good shot at making playoffs if he gets hot.

It is a cool format where you have to put up a good ticket. A ticket is 5 games out of the 10 in the bank and you choose which 5 for each ticket you play. You can not better an individual score on a individual game by replaying it but rather need to better your overall ticket by putting together a streak of 5 well played games. It makes for a very interesting strategy of how you opt to play, as previous good scores can hurt your "best ticket". In order to make playoffs you pretty much need to string together 1 great game, 2 good games, and 2 not turd games.
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by tullster »

Sounds like a great time, and I wish you both the best of luck! I'd love to go sometime just to hang out for fun!

On JM, Don't count on the spinner being there. If they've done their homework, It'll be replaced with a wire gate switch. Yakuza Strike is big points. If I recall correctly, you have to put together a string of left/right ramp shots filling the red triangles to get it. And try to complete your modes. The mode start is the Crazy Bob's saucer. Also, don't fear the video mode! What worked best for me, is to go left & right bouncing off the ends and steering up & down. Be happy if you complete the first wave. In the second wave there's an extra ball you'll need to go for right away (might be disabled for the Tourney). In all my years of owning JM, I never completed the second wave. Don't forget to get 3 in a row on the grid for multi ball. I always did the center 3 across. It lights the left/right ramps and ( I believe) the center rollover lane for jackpots.

If all else fails, just roll with it! You know the drill... If it's flashing shoot it, and if it's not lit, light it, and keep the ball in play as long as possible!

Good luck!! :D
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Re: Practice help for PAPA 17 please!

Post by chaos »

Thank you for posting that Jackbot video. That first ball was RIDICULOUS. I'm pretty excited to play that table, now.
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