MCF 2020 Season Changes

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MCF 2020 Season Changes

Post by CftBL »

Hello everyone,

We are sending this email to all of our regular monthly players as well as our substitutes. Our current board is listed in the To: line.

The MadCity Flippers Board has been talking throughout the week about the 2020 MCF Season. After much discussion, the MCF Board has decided:

1. The MadCity Flippers 2020 season will be indefinitely postponed. We have had a numbers of players and hosts express concern about large gatherings in (potentially) tight quarters. The Board talked and voted and found that it would be difficult to run events and maintain proper social distances even after the Stay at Home order is lifted.

2. We will keep taking a monthly pulse of what is going on. If we reach a point where we can have a monthly meet-up AND we have a willing host, we will charge people $10 at the door to cover the hosts cost. This also means that we will have no trophies and no payouts this season. We will leave our scheduled events for 2020 on the IFPA calendar in the hopes that we can take advantage of them.

3. In November we will solicit potential hosts and players for the 2021 season. We will organize as if the season will occur, but really take it on a month to month basis.

4. We will refund member fees for the months that have not been paid out to the hosts. Anyone who still owes dues, will pay for the months they actually attended. Anyone who has not paid will be (mostly) offset by the substitutes who paid to show in their place. We will not ask for money for the no-show months. We will use the club dues to cover any differences. My rough math shows that members will get about $102 back versus the $115, but our Treasurer (Mark Seidler) will have final say in how much is refunded to each member. We will refund via PayPal Friends and family or we will mail you a check. Please respond to this email to let us know how you would like your refund. You will need to supply the email address that is used for PayPal or provide us with your mailing address.

5. If a WCS occurs, we will base our representatives on the attendance of events to the point of qualifying. We will look at all of the months played with no games dropped.

The MCF Board is saddened to have to take this approach but we feel it is in the best interest of our members. We hope that everyone will be able to join us again sooner than later and that we get get back to hanging out and playing pinball together!

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Mike, Ryan, Mark, Tim & Greg
Creature from the Black Lagoon, Twilight Zone, Star Wars Premium, Hobbit
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