Tecmo Super Bowl tournament

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Tecmo Super Bowl tournament

Post by Boyo25guy »

Hi MadCity Flippers Members,

For the last couple of years, I've been hosting a Tecmo Super Bowl tournament at my place in the week between the conference championships and the Super Bowl. It's usually anywhere from 4-6 people, but I'm looking to make it a bigger thing this year, and would like to extend an invitation to all of the excellent people from this league. Every year we use a modified version of the game that uses the current year's teams and rosters (see the link below for more information on the mod). The tournament will take place Saturday evening, January 28th at 5:00pm, with warm-ups starting at 4:00pm. Tournament format will be determined by the number of players. The game's not super tough, and is a lot of fun to play, and so don't worry if you don't have any experience. Plus, I'll be providing pizza and drinks, so you've got that going for you, too. Please let me know if you're interested or if you have any questions. Thanks!

http://tecmobowl.org/main/roms-updates/ ... 2017-r177/

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