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Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:43 pm
by ralphwiggum
Big thanks to Neo for opening up his collection for us.... Man, there are some different titles in there for sure. Just a really fun and different lineup. Thos Zaccarias are really geared towards multiplayer games, they dont play too long (unless you are playing dollar games against me on robot), and their scoring is very balanced.

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:44 pm
by lg40
Thanks Neo for hosting. KD and I had a great time. Loved playing Spooky and the other Zac pins. Food was great (pretty sure i had 4 taco's then later on just ate the awesome meat mmmmmmm so good).

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 8:06 pm
by epthegeek
Sorry we missed Neos. We were busy standing in line to play ghostbusters at TPF.

Spoiler alert: it's fun

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 11:36 pm
by jasonm
Thanks to Neo for hosting! Had an awesome time! It was weird actually winning money for a change, if only on dollar games, lol.

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:44 am
by Chris K
ralphwiggum wrote:"Tim you should have stuck around. J. had a huge smile on his face because for some reason he was taking most of our dollars."

Yeah right.... Next your gonna tell me Chris K. took second last night.... :o
Hearing everyone say "I've never even SEEN one of these before!" Might have had a bit of a role in that. All hail Zaccaria!

Thanks for hosting, Neo! Spooky was fantastic. Robot kicked my ass, repeatedly. And sorry about the beer--I should have called paper instead of rock. I've got $40 for your carpet when you need a switch!

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:39 am
by gjbwalker
Thanks Neo for hosting! It was a great time . . . loved playing all the Zac's.

That's what it looked like last night when you left, right?
Yes Chris. No need to repeat the obvious. :)

Re: March 19th Ballers Night

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 8:13 pm
by ChrisS
ralphwiggum wrote:Results

Side Game
Orbitor 1
Todd E.- 453,150

Main Event
1. Neo S.- 24 ($60)
2. Chris K.- 24 ($40)
3. Tim N.- 22 ($20)
4. Chris S.- 20
5. Greg G.- 19
6. Todd E.- 17
8. Katie- 15
8. Tim F.- 18
9. Jason M.- 14
10. Jenell- 13
11. Greg B.- 12
13. Jim R.- 10
13. Donovan- 10
14. Stephanie- 9

Damn it. Sorry of my life. Just coming up a little bit short.

Tim, I thought you said I sucked this weekend.